Is there any harm or it is safe to have oral sex?
Is there any harm or it is safe to have oral sex?
Is there any harm or it is safe to have oral sex?
I need this question unswered because it is poising me and every i ask, To whom did God secrifice his son for us ?
hey guys…. I have a question that bothers me, where do babies go when they die????
If u are a real Christian answer my question. …how did the black people exist on earth. If adam and eve are white ?…….im waiting
I have a question and I need a clear answer ….who causes death is it God or is it the devil
My question was inspired from the question that I saw saying what is the name of God. So I want to know who is God?
my question said is possible to a christian to marry 4wife?
Any of you guys order the 5starLED 100w lights and get them yet? i ordered 10 over 3 weeks ago and have not received them yet even though i was told theyd be out in a week when i ordered.. Just looking for feed back on if i should think about asking for a refund….
Troller Question…. I have a Minn Kota Terrova that I am going to put a Co-Pilot on… I am curious if the older Powerdrive V2 Co-Pilot unit will work on the newer motor.. The one made for the Terrova has a full on feature (great for throwing everone out of the boat) I do not care for this and there is a $50 price difference in the Co-Pilot unit.
Ok this has come up a few times, but if someone asks a question on where to get something for the cheapest price please do not recommend something or someone just because you are a promotional staff member for them. If you are thinking about posting a place to get it and you know you can get it cheaper somewhere else just dont.