Do I leave entrance open to the swarm, or close it off?
Just caught my first swarm. Question: do I leave entrance open, or close it off? (more…)
Just caught my first swarm. Question: do I leave entrance open, or close it off? (more…)
Question: Has anyone ever asked land owners near you to use their land to keep some hives in order to expand yards? If so, how did you go about asking? What was most effective?? (more…)
Okay, sorry for the realllllly stupid question here, if there is no queen, will the workers still bring back pollen? (more…)
Dwayne Parkinson: Smoke when needed. Eventually you’ll catch your bees on a bad day. Best to be ready. (more…)
I have stupid questions like if i start a hive can i just take a small 8 oz. Honey Bear and squeezes the honey into the hive to give them a good start will they lick it up and make honey come out of it i don’t want the hive for the honey necessarily but i do want them for my garden (more…)
Jason Bronson: Dried pine needles (more…)
Mike Harper: I know location sometimes drives prices. But around my area 130 (more…)
Quick question please. I just got the mite away in and ready to treat the colony. Would I be able to put a pollen Patty in there with it? Thank you for your time and patience??? (more…)
Wilbur Gramling: I’m glad you asked that question cuz I’m curious myself my bees are in my backyard and I like to burn my leaves and pine straw at times hopefully there’s somebody can tell us what we’re risking by starting a fire back there will they leave The Hive because of that situation will it kill them I would imagine if they flew in it or would they just keep their distance. (more…)
I have a question, We had major scout activity at box’s then big black ants moved into the box’s seemed like over night and the bees quit coming will the ants deter the scouts from looking there? And how do I keep the ants out ? (more…)