So heres a question for you sangs. I take it most of you have a blood …

So heres a question for you sangs. I take it most of you have a blood preference. Is that by choice or does it actually tastes different the blood types?

Doug Hall: Taste different to me

Kelli Hall: It depends. The salt intake of the person you drink from can be different from someone that has a low iron intake. You get the jest of it. Hope that helps. Its different for me but Im a hybrid so I feed both ways.

Rei Tadashi Fermil: Not sure about the blood type but a persons diet/health habits affect the health of the donor therefore most likely affecting the taste of the blood. But I dont have human donors so others can confirm/disprove that for you. Animal blood on the other hand, have different tastes. Chicken blood is the most watery and shitty (lol), beef has one of the strongest flavors and (I heard) one of the closest to the taste of human blood. Goat is game-y. And so on…

Julia Nadeau: I once fed on a donor with O+ and he was pretty frickin delicious. However, beyond that, Ive discovered that diabetics can pretty tasty too, due to the sweetness of their blood. Probably not that healthy for them to donate, to be honest, so I wouldnt recommend regular feedings with them. One thing Ive noticed is that my donors blood usually tastes like the last dish they ate. If they ate steak, theyd taste like steak. Buffalo wings make donor blood taste spicy. Barbeque carries especially well.

Belfazaar Michael Bousum Ashantison: Each blood type has a taste that is slightly different than the others… Factor in diet, water intake, rest, stress levels, whether they prefer sweets or not… Each of these things plays a part in the taste of blood…

Alexia Ashford: Mmmm barbecue blood… Now Im hungry.
