Does anyone know if you can attend an AGM if youre not a shareholder? Im curious to hear what the Force (4CE) directors have to say tomorrow.
Amina Owens: buy one share Travvy, quickly!! (Im not sure about the rules, I have been to AGMs and asked if I was a shareholder, I say yes, they dont check. (You know me, I love to keep an eye on the fundamentals lol)
Sophia Peters: Commsec wont allow me to buy 1 share…..otherwise I would!
Amina Owens: Sophia Peters: too much manipulation when you control prices with one lots
Sophia Peters: HAHAHAHA
Morgan Coleman: Yes you can. Just cant voice your opinion.Pretty sure thats how it is for non holders
Sophia Peters: Are you sure on this?
Finley Newman: When you rock up at the meeting, just tell them you are Martin Fisher. No one will ask you anything and you get the front row seats 🙂
Hayden Richardson: Pretty sure ML wont show his face 😀
Sophia Peters: Are you thinking of WFE?
Hayden Richardson: Yes also but theyre connected by JB of course – he and ML are tight and ML holds a shedload of WFE…
Kinsley Estrada: Haha
Sophia Peters: I just rang the company. Apparently its a closed forum.
Amina Owens: bugger
Sophia Peters: But I should be able to sneak past with this disguise….
Raegan Gutierrez: Yes you can. I have attended many AGMs as an observer. However you cannot ask any questions or take part in any vote
Sophia Peters: So what are they trying to hide then? The company secretary went and asked one of the directors if I could attend and came back with a sorry, unfortunately you cant attend as its a closed meeting. Hmmm 🤔
Karina Copeland: Lol – yep that means they are trying to hide something for sure haha
Sophia Peters: Good or bad? Thats the question.
Morgan Coleman: Lol… hiding😂😂😂
Sophia Peters: Yeah thats what I thought. Transparency is always good from management.
Morgan Coleman: Sophia Peters: ring up Michael fry if you want. Hes happy to talk to people about the company.
Finley Newman: I dont think they are trying to hide anything. Normally they would not bother as most of such shindigs are sparsely attended. But I think this one at 4CE may see higher than normal attendance. So they may cut down on non holders attending. Well you can still rock up and may be allowed. I may do too if QBL announcement doesnt come up.
Sophia Peters: Well the weather might be terrible here in Perth tomorrow. Im using that as an excuse not to get out of pyjamas lol
Morgan Coleman: Sophia Peters: you own a tesla?
Sophia Peters: Morgan Coleman: nope. I wish
Sophia Peters: Hired it in the US recently
Sawyer Chavez: Parag, the AGM is downstairs in the building I work at. I dont think they have a lot of room on that floor. They manage their compliance there, but its not where they operate from.
Manuel Fisher: Yes
Sophia Peters: The 4CE AGM went well and my disguise worked 🤣 Have a great weekend all
Morgan Coleman: You went?! Nice.Did you buy at the end of the day?
Sophia Peters: Ill wait and see what they have in the ground first
Sawyer Chavez: Lol, the 4CE annual general meeting is downstairs in the building I work at 😂😂 Im not going to it because I dont want to be the only one attending lol 😂
Morgan Coleman: There was like 13 people there bruh haha
Sawyer Chavez: Steven, really!
Sawyer Chavez: Steven, was it a good meeting? I heard penny stock agms have like no attendants
Morgan Coleman: Sawyer Chavez: didnt go unfortunately.Couldnt get work off plus $1k i dont wanna have to spend but it wouldve been worth it had i could get work off.
Sawyer Chavez: Steven, ah I see. If I remembered it was today, I wouldve walked downstairs 😂
Morgan Coleman: Sawyer Chavez: I had some people give me the lowdown though.Definitely wouldve been worth going.