Looking for the best build your own Bloody Mary Bar in valley?

Looking for the best build your own Bloody Mary Bar in valley?

Marlee Jacobs: Sunday brunch at the Outpost in Sherwood.

Brynlee Thompson: Try using the search feature in this website on Bloody Marys Joel Mullins: as this subject has been covered numerous times before and there are a lot of recommendations already posted.

Joel Mullins: Looked at the search, not much about a walk up BM build your own, looking for some current responses, not from 2016, thanks in advance:)!

Cayden Peterson: Andys, Weathervane, and Headliners were the only results I found from 2017 on the website.

Brynlee Thompson: Cole Plamann I stopped counting at 50 post dealing with blood marys

Demi Gordon: Brynlee Thompson: relax…there lots of posts about bloody Marys but he is specifically asking about build your own and not a lot of places offer that so maybe just chill and if you dont have a place to suggest then just move on.

Cayden Peterson: Kimmer, Im on the Use the search feature train. I might even be driving that train. I was simply helping Matt with the results about his specific question within the past year. I have found that many people do not use it properly or dont know how t…See more

Brynlee Thompson: Demi Gordon: WHY the personal attack on my suggestion.Many Many users of Facebook have no idea that there is a search feature and I was informing them of the fact.

Cayden Peterson: When I get some decent spare time, Im going to do a troubleshooting/training post for the group. Hopefully it will help people use the page more effectively.

Brynlee Thompson: Cole Plamann thats a great idea 🙂 The problem I have seen inall my groups is the lack of knowledge many Facebook uses have of all the features that are available. I wish Facebook would make all the apps and the browsers work/look the same, that way teaching others would be so simple, but of course that is not how Facebook works ;( Good luck Cole 😉

Leah Moody: Demi Gordon: Brynlee Thompson: is my new admin in this website and was trying to help. He will not be moving on anytime soon.

Bryson Munoz: Cole Plamann time to make something about appleton restaurants and reviews that isnt a Facebook group… Maybe something like a website? Lol

Olivia Sparks: Who cares if people ask a question that has already been addressed previously? There will always be kind people who will answer a question and not be annoyed by it…

Joy Adkins: And NEW places to be discovered…

Cayden Peterson: Its about slowing down the repeat looking for posts. Lets be honest, theres not enough change in this area that it hasnt been covered. Yes, it could be new to someone. But with 3k people, its about keeping the group useful as a whole. Suggesting the use of the search feature is no worse than asking for suggestions.

Olivia Sparks: Im not arguing the use of the search feature. Just saying people could chill a bit more. Thought this was supposed to be a fun group but it has turned into people arguing their points to be heard.

Joy Adkins: I love the search feature …but dont mind repeated questions… only because some new member or new location could contribute to a great discovery for us all ♡♡

Brynlee Thompson: Olivia Sparks: thats one of the reason Ed appointed me as an admin for this website. I will be dealing with members who attack/harassed other peoples post or comments. If you happen to have an issue with a post as being harassed, please report it ASAP.

Natalia Hawkins: Sundays at The Stoneyard in Greenville.

Demi Gordon: Sunday mornings at The Outpost in Sherwood

Serenity Hansen: Wooden Nickel

Malachi Ford: Currently….I like the Outpost. Shrimp, wings, cheese, bacon and more for your bloody. Good omelettes as well.

Arianna Parsons: Tanners in Kimberly does a build your own on Sundays.

Nylah Bowen: Whistlers Knoll in Hortonville

Sebastian Chandler: The outpost is great along with their inexpensive brunch

Carson Stanley: The best bloodys in area is in Dundas

Cali George: Two of a kind

Sebastian Chandler: Oh yes!! Two of a kind in Dundas!

Camille Garza: The Outpost in Sherwood
