Looking for Mom cat with a litter of kittens to help care for this aba…

Looking for Mom cat with a litter of kittens to help care for this abandoned 3 day old kitten. Please PM me.

Kamryn Harper: Bryson Roberson: idk if we can help or not but 😬

Kayla Neal: I may not be a momma cat but if you dont find someone who has one I would gladly take this baby in and care for it. I helped nurse an abandoned kitten we found in a parking lot several years ago and would do it again in a heartbeat now that we dont have any pets out here

Matthew Mendoza: Thank you. We found a momma cat and so far she is doing much better. She will be up for adoption if you are still interested.

Bryson Roberson: Message Okinawa Stray Pet Rescue!

Karla Norris: Dont have a momma cat but I can take and bottle the baby. I have taken care of a few litters.

Matthew Mendoza: Thank you we found a momma cat … but will keep everyone posted on her progress. 🙏

Matthew Mendoza: Just heard she is so happy with her new Mom. She is the little gray one.
