I have a question and I need a clear answer ….who causes death is it God or is it the devil
Jason Wiltse: God is life and Satan is the destroyer or death but the devil cant take your life if your Gods children until the Father says your time is up .
Spokes Mpxs Difongo: wage of sin
Okoboi Stanley LoOkirimat: Gods the owner of life thus He takes His people at His own wish basing on His personal plan unknown to man
Felix Wilbard: God created Man(Adam) from soil, and kNew that Man was weak, The creation of Eve indicates that generation was to begin and be continued. This implies that one generation was to pass and a new one to comefreshy Death &fertility. God can change some one from Fresh life(weak Life) o spiritual Everlasting Life(strong Life).God does NOT cause spiritual death though can make someone rest from Fresh Life. Devil Causes both Fresh and Spiritual deaths.(very dangerous!) Thats why you MUST believe in JESUS CHRIST so as to enjoy spiritual Everlasting Life….
Ladi Yusuf: Satan convince Adam to disobed God and the punishment for disobedient is death
Jason Wiltse: Spiritual and physical death are a result of our seperation from God .Christ gives us back a Spiritual relationship when you trust in him .Yet our physical body is still not Godly and is weak thus must pay the wages of sin which is death .
Donna Crayne: Its Our Own Sin my dear. We must fight every moment of everyday to do whats right by Gods eyes